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Ansul Piranha

Ansul Piranha Restaurant Fire Suppression System The Ansul Piranha Dual Agent Restaurant Fire Suppression System is the only agent-plus-water fire…

Ansul R-102

Ansul R-102 Restaurant Fire Suppression System Ansul R-102 Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems meet the challenge and are the top choice…

Restaurant Fire Suppression

Why Restaurant Fire Suppression? Commercial Kitchens utilise high temperature cooking oils, slow cooking appliances and deep-fat fryers all of which…

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Explore Our Solutions

Our systems protect your kitchen automatically, detecting a fire even when you’re not there, or activating manually at the touch of a button, extinguishing fires within four seconds.

Don’t Let Your Dreams Go Up In Smoke

You can’t eliminate every potential risk to your business, but with MKFS’ help and expertise, you can make kitchen fires one less thing to worry about.

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